La formación de distintas oraciones con los verbos To drink y To buy

I DRINK some coffee in the morning
She DRINKS some milk form breakfast
Frank DRINKS some juice before breakfast
The children DRINK orange juice before breakfast
We DRINK some wáter after dinner
You DRINK some milk during supper
Susan DRINKS some chocolate during breakfast
You DRINK some tea every night
The children BUY some candy after school
They BUY some candy every day
I BUY some clothes in the store
The woman BUYS some food in the grocery
She BUYS some food every day
Alice BUYS many things in the store
We BUY some things in the store
You BUY few things before work
Verbos en infinitivo
to drink tu drinc beber
to wish tu uish desear
to have tu jav tener, haber
to live tu liv vivir
I dink ai drinc yo bebo
coffee cofi café
milk milc café
cohcolate chócolet chocolate
tea ti
juice llus jugo
orange óranch naranja
orange juice jugo de naranja
wáter uóter agua
day dei día
today rudéi hoy
night nait noche
tonight tunáit esta noche
during diúring durante
before bifór antes
after áfter después
every évri cada
every night cada noche, todas las noches
every day cada día, todos los días
school scul escuela
after school después dela escuela
work uérc trabajo
after work después del trabajo
befor work antes del trabajo
store stor tienda
grocery gróseri tienda de víveres abarrotes
market márquet mercado
food fud alimentos, comida
candy cándi dulces, confituras, caramelos
clothes clouds ropa
things zings cosas

El sonido de th es muy semejante al sonido que en español se le da a z.