Respuestas breves
Lea en voz alta las siguientes oraciones y note cómo se originan lasrespuestas breves mediante el uso de los auxiliares. Observe, asimismo, el empleo de las contracciones ISN´T (is not), WASN´T (was not), AREN´T (are not), WERWN´T (were not)para las respuestas breves en forma negative.
Are you looking at me?
No, I´m not
Is he looking at her?
Yes, he is
What are you looking at now?
I´m looking at him
Were you looking at us before?
Yes, I was
Were you looking at them before?
No, I wasn´t
What were you looking at yesterday noon?
I was looking at the show-windows
Were you looking at the prices?
No, I wasn´t
What is he waiting for, now?
He´s waiting for the bus in order to go home
Is he waiting for the street-car now?
No, he isn´t
Was he waiting for a street-care before?
No, he wasn´t
What were you waiting for last night?
I was waiting for her to go out
Are you looking for your pencil now
No, I´m not
What are you looking for?
I´m looking for my eye-glasses
Were they looking for me before?
No, they weren´t
Was she looking for him yesterday?
Yes, I was
Are you looking at them?
Yes, I am
Am I looking at you now?
No, you aren´t
Was I looking at her before?
Yes, you were
Were you looking at me?
No, I wasn´t. I was looking at him.